• Virtual Winter Run

    Virtual Winter Run

Virtual Race

Run anywhere, anytime - it’s virtual racing!

Invite your friends from around the state or anywhere in the country and run virtually together! Select to participate in the Virtual Pumpkin Run or choose either your favorite 4 or all 6 Winter Run Series events and save!

Individual Virtual Races

  • June 1 - June 7: $25
  • June 8 - June 30: $30
  • July - November: $150

    Series Event Pricing

  • June 1 - June 7: $115
  • June 8 - June 30: $125
  • July - November: $150
*Sign up for all 6 events for the price of 5! Both series and individual registrations include respective shirts and medals. And the 6 event series registration will earn you the center medallion, which will be mailed with the first event.*

Register Now!
Virtual Race

How To

  • Sign up for the virtual run and choose which distance you would like to complete, 5K or 10K.
  • Receive your event gear in the mail. It will be shipped to the address you sign up with.
  • Choose your own route in your neighborhood, favorite park, or whatever safe location you choose and run/walk/jog the distance to complete the virtual run!
  • Submit your time through your RunSignup account to be added to the results.

Your virtual run race packet will be mailed October 15th to the address you sign up with during registration. Each race’s swag items (shirt + medal) will be shipped separately – i.e. series participants will not receive all items at one time. Series participants will receive the medallion piece of the medal in their second package. Virtual racers do not qualify to win overall or age group awards. There will be no refunds if you change your registration to Virtual races.

How To

What you get

  • Gender Specific Event Long Sleeve Shirt
  • Finisher Medal
  • Exclusive private Facebook Group
  • Curated Spotify playlist
  • A chance to run whenever and wherever you want!

What you get

2021/2022 Event Swag

2021/2022 Event Swag